Our desire is for each and every person who enters our doors to be impacted with the love of Christ. We welcome you to explore our beliefs and values on this page, and sincerely hope that you will feel drawn to come and take part in one of our Sunday gatherings. Here you will find common everyday people who recognize their need of a God who is loving and forgiving, and who calls us into a life of devotion to him. You can expect a friendly atmosphere, relevant music and worship, compelling preaching from the Bible, and an opportunity to encounter God.
We believe that church is a place where people can find hope, forgiveness, and healing in relationships with God and others.
Our aim at Valley View is to passionately follow Jesus and to help people experience His love and grace no matter where they are in their spiritual journey.
We recognize Jesus as the way, the truth and the life. Our teaching is Bible based. We seek to grow in an authentic connection with the Lord through commitment to the Bible and prayer.
As a church, together we press into the call to go beyond ourselves in helping others experience real life and purpose through Christ.
Love People More Make Him Known Trust God's Spirit Obey God's Word Live By Grace Committed To Prayer Make People Better
Our Sunday mornings are full of warmth, friendliness and a casual atmosphere. No special attire is required. Coffee is available.
Every Sunday - Life Groups at 9:15 and Worship Service at 10:30